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Vincenzo De Novellis | |
Vincenzo | |
De Novellis | |
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0817620639 | |
Ricercatore |
Telerilevamento attivo a microonde: sviluppo di algoritmi avanzati per la ricostruzione del campo di deformazione tridimensionale in aree affette da fenomeni geologici complessi a partire dall'integrazione di dati rilevati con tecniche SAR e altre tecniche geodetiche.
Curriculum - ITA
Prodotti della ricerca
Castaldo, R., De Novellis, V., Solaro, G., Pepe, S., Tizzani, P., De Luca, C., Bonano, M., Manunta, M., Casu, F., Zinno, I., Lanari, R., (2016). “Finite element modelling of the 2015 Gorkha earthquake through the joint exploitation of DInSAR measurements and geologic-structural information”. Tectonophysics doi:10.1016/j.tecto.2016.06.03. Solaro, G., De Novellis, V., Castaldo, R., De Luca, M., Lanari, R., Manunta and M., Casu, F., (2016). Coseismic Fault Model of Mw 8.3 2015 Illapel Earthquake (Chile) Retrieved from Multi-Orbit Sentinel1-A DInSAR Measurements. Remote Sensing, 8, 323. De Novellis, V., Castaldo, R., Lollino, P., Manunta, M., Tizzani, P. (2016) Advanced Three-Dimensional Finite Element Modeling of a Slow Landslide through the Exploitation of DInSAR Measurements and in Situ Surveys. Remote Sens., 8, 670. Lavecchia G., R. Castaldo, R. de Nardis, V. De Novellis, F. Ferrarini , S. Pepe, F. Brozzetti, G. Solaro, D. Cirillo, M. Bonano, P. Boncio, F. Casu, C. De Luca, R. Lanari, M. Manunta, M. Manzo, A. Pepe, I. Zinno, and P. Tizzani (2016), Ground deformation and source geometry of the 24 August 2016 Amatrice earthquake (Central Italy) investigated through analytical and numerical modeling of DInSAR measurements and structural-geological data, Geophys. Res. Lett., 43, doi:10.1002/2016GL071723. De Novellis V. and Luongo G., (2006) “External ballistics during 79 AD Eruption at Vesuvius” in “Development in Volcanology” n°8 F. Dobran Ed. – Elsevier. Santilano, A., Gola, G., Castaldo, R., De Novellis, V., Pepe, S., Tizzani, P., Donato, A., Trumphy E., Botteghi, S., Manzella, A., (2015). 3D geological, thermo-physical and rheological modelling for geothermal exploration: the case study of Ischia Island, Southern Italy. Rend. Online Soc. Geol. It., Suppl. n. 2 al Vol. 35, pag. 414. Manunta, M., Castaldo, R., De Novellis, V., Lollino, P., Tizzani, P. (2015). Integration of SBAS-DInSAR and in-situ observations for 3D numerical optimization modelling: the case study of Ivancich landslide (Assisi, Italy). 2015 IEEE International Geoscience And Remote Sensing Symposium (IGARSS). De Novellis, V., (2016). Ballistic analysis during multiscale explosive eruption at Vesuvius and hazard implications. Geophysical Research Abstracts Vol. 18, EGU2016-6893, 2016 EGU General Assembly 2016. De Novellis, V., Castaldo, R., Solaro, G., Pepe, S., Tizzani, P., De Luca, C., Bonano, M., Manunta, M., Casu, F., Zinno, I. and Lanari, R (2016). 2D Modelling of the Gorkha earthquake through the joint exploitation of Sentinel 1-A DInSAR measurements and geological, structural and seismological information. Geophysical Research Abstracts Vol. 18, EGU2016-13714-1, 2016 EGU General Assembly 2016. Tizzani, P., Castaldo, R., De Novellis, V., Santilano, S., Gola, G., Pepe, S., D’Auria, L. and Solaro G., (2016). Definition of Brittle Ductile Transition of the upper crust beneath the Campi Flegrei-Ischia Volcanic District and its impact on natural seismicity. Geophysical Research Abstracts Vol. 18, EGU2016-9819. Pepe, S., D'Auria, L., Bonano, M., Castaldo, R., Casu, F., De Luca, C., De Novellis, V., Manunta, M., Sansosti, E., Solaro, G., Tizzani, P. (2015) The Unrest phenomenon at Mauna Loa volcano detected via multi-temporal and multi-platform InSAR measurements. 26Th IUGG Praga (Repubblica Ceca), 22 June-2 July. Castaldo, R., Tizzani, P., De Novellis, V., Pepe, S., Solaro, G., Ferrarini, F., de Nardis, R., Lavecchia, G., Lanari, R. (2015) The impact of geology on the nucleation of 2009 L'Aquila earthquake via 3D numerical optimization model of ground deformation pattern. 26Th IUGG Praga (Repubblica Ceca), 22 June-2 July. Castaldo, R., De Novellis, V., Santilano, A., Gola, G., Pepe, S., Tizzani, P. (2015) The imaging of Brittle Ductile Transition beneath the Campi Flegrei-Ischia Volcanic District and its impact on natural seismicity. 26Th IUGG Praga (Repubblica Ceca), 22 June-2 July. Pepe S., Bonano M., Castaldo R., Casu F., R. De Luca C., De Novellis V., Manunta M., Pepe A., Sansosti. E, Solaro G., Tizzani P. (2015) Long-term versus short-term deformation processes at Mt. Etna volcano. 26Th IUGG Praga (Repubblica Ceca), 22 June-2 July. De Novellis, V., Pepe, S., Castaldo, R., De Luca, C., Casu, F., Tizzani, P Fernandina Volcano (Galápagos) ground deformation modeling via multi-orbits DInSAR data Geophysical Research Abstracts Vol. 17, EGU2015-10698, 2015 EGU General Assembly 2015. Castaldo, R., De Novellis, V., Lollino, P., Manunta, M., Tizzani, P. (2015) 3D Numerical Optimization Modelling of Ivancich landslides (Assisi, Italy) via integration of remote sensing and in situ observations. Geophysical Research Abstracts Vol. 17, EGU2015-11502, 2015 EGU General Assembly. Pepe, S., Castaldo R., Casu F., D'Auria L., De Luca C., De Novellis V., Sansosti E., Solaro G., Tizzani P., Zeni G. (2015) Analysis of unrest episodes in the last decade at Mauna Loa volcano through the use of multi-temporal and multi-platform InSAR data ID: 275 / 4.2.2: 4 ESA_ESRIN, Frascati, Roma, 23-27 March 2015. De Novellis V., Luongo G. (2006) “External ballistics during 79 AD Eruption at Vesuvius” Atti del 25° Convegno GNGTS, Roma. De Novellis V., Luongo G. (2004) “Ballistic shower during plinian scenario at Vesuvius” Atti del 23° Convegno GNGTS, Roma. Manzo, M. G. Solaro, M. Bonano, S. Buonanno, R. Castaldo, F. Casu, C. De Luca, De Novellis, V., A. Fusco, M. Manunta, A. Pepe, S. Pepe, P. Tizzani, G. Zeni, I. Zinno, R. Lanari (2016). "Valutazione e Gestione del Rischio 2016" (VGR 2016), 20-22 settembre. Roma. Luongo, G., De Novellis, V., Nappi, M. (2007). Itinerario “Le Bocche Eruttive Laterali del Vesuvio” III Congresso Geologia e Turismo Beni Geologici e Geodiversità. Bologna. De Novellis V., Luongo G., Pepe S., Scala O., Solaro G., Tizzani P. (2003). Vesuvio: indagine sulla struttura, dinamica e meccanismi eruttivi. Atti convegno attività dei Dip.ti Scienze della Terra e Geofisica e Vulcanologia - 25 Giugno 2003 Università Federico II di Napoli.
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Modellazione geofisica di dati telerilevati e misure geodetiche
I processi geofisici che avvengono a diversi chilometri sotto la…